Financial Friday

This is a very interesting point!    As with anything else in life that we may have a goal to achieve we must first change our mindset to work toward the goal.   If we want to be a chef – we have to set a goal to learn how to cook or if we want to be a pianist, we have to set a goal to learn how to play the piano.


Setting a goal to become a millionaire is the same – we have to map out the steps to get there.  Unless we receive a windfall of cash – hard work is usually the way to get there.  BUT – the interesting thing is that we need to THINK like a millionaire.    You may think that all millionaires are extravagant and spend money of ridiculous items like sports cars, luxury travel, mega mansions and extravagant clothing….   Of course there are some who do this but if you watch their life – they tend to wind up going down the drain at some point because they have spent money without thinking of the future.


Those who think like a millionaire:


  • Focus on their goals
  • Get comfortable with always learning
  • Are patient
  • Accept mistakes when they come
  • Keep a growth mindset
  • Keep an open mind and vision for opportunities
  • Develop a presence as bold, passionate and courageous about their goals
  • Develop friendships with like-minded people
  • Focus on their health and wellbeing
  • Believe in themselves
  • Are respectful to others
  • Find ways to turn “can’t” into “will”
  • Use skill rather than trust in luck
  • Think big – it costs nothing to think
  • Do not spend money foolishly
  • Invest and save


These are ways to reach the goals you set financially.    There are NO GET RICH QUICK schemes!   Even if you receive money from an inheritance or winning it – you have to manage the money or it will be gone as quick as it came to you.


Have a plan and stick to it regardless…




Terry Richards, CFO