Financial Friday


Did you know that everyone has a defined relationship with money of some sort?  These are called Money Archetypes.   Have a look at the descriptions below and see where you think you may fit.  This is just an interesting to put a name to your money mindset.   There are several quizzes (that you can do at home) to see where you may fall.


Alchemist  – You attract money in unusual ways.  You’re very creative.  You can transform ideas into financial success.  You illuminate positive change by creating ideas and championing others.  You can also have a love/hate relationship with money.  You sometimes feel like you never have enough money to support your ideas and causes, which can be frustrating.


Accumulator You can be described as frugal.  You feel happy about saving money.  You’re very trustworthy and dependable.  You find it very easy to save and can sometimes judge other people’s money habits.


Connector – Similar to an inner relationship creator.   You connect people.  The more comfortable you get with money, they more you empower yourself.  You’re not stressed out about money, you have lots of faith and optimism and you create valuable relationships.  People are attracted to you because of your positive vibes.


Celebrity – You are in inner big shot where you basically act like you have loads of money, but you don’t.  Overspending is a common trait.  You tend to be compulsive and spend on appearances.   People are attracted to you because you’re magnetic and radiant and have awesome leadership qualities but this doesn’t match up with your bank account.


Maverick  – You are an inner rebel without a cause.   You’re attracted to get rich quick opportunities.  You tend to pay attention to the ups and downs of your numbers.  You can have an imbalances of risk versus financial security.  You are definitely a risk-taker and aren’t afraid to go all in.


Nurturer – You are giving and reliable.  You are often motivated to give generously to others at the sacrifice of yourself.  You might feel taken advantage of.  You might feel guilty for making money.  You may not be able to set boundaries around money.


Romantic – You are very sensory and enjoy seeking pleasure and enjoying the best life has to offer.  You can be flamboyant with your spending and ignore anything that has to do with finances.  You are not afraid to treat yourself or spend money on things because you feel you deserve it.  You are essentially carefree when it comes to money.


Ruler – You are an empire builder and innovator.  You achieve wealth with grace and ease.  You can definitely struggle with chasing a moving money target.  You might find yourself thinking you can make money this way or that way and wind up always chasing the next big opportunity.  You have a mission to create an empire where it thrives.





Terry Richards, CFO