Monday Motivation

Here we are in December. How did this year fly by so fast? My favorite time of the year is beginning in September all the way through December – because as hectic as things are during the holidays – nature encourages us to slow down. The trees shed their leaves and the temperatures fall. This is the time of year to be mindful and be present so that you don’t miss the beauty of the season.

Being present means focusing on now and not worrying about the past or the future. You have heard me say before that the past is just that – we cannot change it. The future is not here yet so the only thing we have it right now.

There are some key benefits in being present in the moment – we reduce our stress because we are only focused on now and not worrying about what has been or what might be to come; we develop a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and everything around us and we also can enjoy experiences more.

We talk on the phone while we drive or eat without thinking about the food we are putting into our bodies and our brains are continuously multi-tasking – mostly in any other place but here and now.

Challenge yourself to spend the month of December – experiencing each moment and being present for what is happening at any given moment.


Terry Richards, CFO