Monday Motivation

We may have missed the snow here in middle Georgia, but we can learn lessons from the snowflakes!


Each snowflake has a unique shape which is determined by the atmospheric conditions if encounters as it falls.   Just like each of us – we are all unique and are formed by our environments.


Some scientists had estimated that there are two times as many possible crystal combinations of snowflakes as there are atoms in the universe.    I looked that up to see how many atoms there are in the “observable universe” and there are between ten quadrillion vigintillion and one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion atoms.   In other words a LOT!


No matter how many billions of snowflakes that fall from the sky there are never two that are the same.


Think of each of us as one of the individual ice crystals that when they stick together form these beautiful snowflakes.    “Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect”.


Be it an ice crystal or the entire snowflake – each of us are unique and perfect as we are.




Terry Richards, CFO