Wednesday Wellness on Friday and Financial Friday

To say these days are busy is an understatement but better late than never, right?


There is only one thing that you have that can never be replace and that is YOU!   Investing in your health instead of a another item that you just ‘have to have’ is a smart investment.  This is a combo message today regarding health and finances.


Did you stop to think that the healthier you are, the less you will need to pay in medical bills?   When you think of things you may be unable to get because you have to pay for medications or Dr. visits – being healthy looks a lot better, right?    This is not medical advice of course and if you need medication – then you need medication.   BUT – if there were a way to be healthier and eliminate the need for the medication – that is money in your pocket.


The costs continue to increase as we age as well, because of lifestyle habits we may not have lived a healthy life and chronic disease creeps up on us with aging – but again – if you lead a healthy lifestyle – sleeping well, eating healthy, getting at least 150 minutes of exercise a week then the odds are you may live a longer and healthier and less expensive life.


Make wise choices!






Terry Richards, CFO