Monday Motivation

Are you surviving or thriving?    Surviving is doing whatever you need to do to live.  Thriving is not being satisfied just surviving but feeling compelled to continue making progress toward something a better life.   This does not necessarily depend on our circumstances but on how we choose to respond to what we have been handed.


Maybe you want to be thriving instead of surviving but are not sure of how to change the trajectory of your life.  The first thing you have to consider is What do you REALLY want?   Once you are clear on this you can begin constructing a path to move toward this goal.   We do not have to remain where we are, but we do have to have clarity on where we want to be.


  1. Create a structure in your daily routine.   Go to bed and wake up at the same time – structure meals instead of eating on the run – make sure you are getting time outdoors and time moving your body.
  2. Find trusted advisors.  Find those people who can mentor and help you along the way.   Also limit the amount of time on social media and on mainstream news as those may create a sense of negativity and fear and you are looking for a positive outcome.
  3. Connection.  Checking in with friends and family who are supportive and encourage you is great to keep you motivated.
  4. Control your focus.  Focus on the things that you CAN control and not on those that you have no control over.  It is a waste of our time to worry about those things which we cannot control.
  5. Do something to move you from surviving to thriving.  Listen to a motivational podcast, read a book about thriving, talk with someone who may be in a place that you would like to be.  These things can move you forward.
  6. Breathe…  Any time you feel overwhelmed or out of sorts – stop and find a quiet place and simply spend time following your breath.  Breathe slowly and deeply and see how the calm surrounds you.
  7. Big picture.   If you forget where you are headed on your path to thriving, stop and reframe the situation.  If you are having a bad week and think there is no point in trying – reframe that to “I’ve had a bad week, but next week is a brand new chance to move forward”.  Things can happen that take us out of the moment, but it is up to us to turn that around and get back on track.


We are meant to thrive……




Terry Richards, CFO